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Physical Books vs. E-Books

Which do you prefer?


In the past five years or so the debate on physical books versus e-books has become more prominent. With new editions of devices such as Kindles and Nooks being released so frequently, we have all heard that the paper book industry is decreasing.

However, on my Instagram I made a poll asking my followers which they preferred. Physical books or E-books and why. The results were shocking compared to what critics have been telling us. But first lets look at the pros and cons of our options.


Physical Books


When I asked why my followers who voted physical books preferred this option I got some pretty sweet and wholesome responses!

@_jorgyreads said "My eyes have a hard time reading from a screen, physical books are just easier for me." I totally agree with this! With many schools being online this year due to the pandemic it is nice to have a break from screens.

Surprisingly, many said that they loved the smell of books. As funny as this is I also completely agree! For some reason it is such a comforting smell and lets be honest, we all smell our books don't deny it. Who cares? It's not our fault they smell good.

@icanreadloll said "I don't know there is just something so magical about turning those pages and smelling those books and having the whole story in your hand and having a bookshelf." This was an interesting response because I as well often find myself looking at my bookshelf and finding it so odd, yet amazing, that a whole world and story is just sitting on my shelf. It is also so satisfying to organize your bookshelf!

@reading.while.sad said "I personally prefer holding the book, and I cannot focus if it isn't physical." Once again, I absolutely agree! I feel like I sometimes can't focus on reading unless I am physically holding a book.


No one really submitted any cons for either of the choices. So I came up with some on my own!

  • Physical books can take up too much space

  • Can get wet and damaged (unlike waterproof kindles or other devices)

  • You have to wait to get physical copies from the store, library, or even online but you can get e-books instantly




@chronicallybrenna said "It's easy to read while laying down! So when I don't feel good it's nice." Ah yes if I had a dollar for every time I have dropped my book on my face while reading because it was too heavy, I'd be rich.

@starlitpages said "I love e-books because they're convenient to read in bed!" I agree! It is nice to be able to read in bed without a chunky book.

@calreads1310 said "It's just too expensive/my house is too small to read all physical books!" I absolutely agree with this! I would add up all of the money I spent on books in the last year, but I'm afraid to see how high the number is. I have also thought about what I am going to do with all of my books when I go off to college since there likely isn't room in a dorm for all of them. But with an e-book you can bring your favorite books with you wherever and whenever!


Poll Results:

Now the moment we have all been waiting for! Thank you to all who voted it helped immensely with the writing of this blog post.

The results were:

Physical Books: 42

E-Books: 3




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